Conscious Footprints

Conversation With A Dog That Passed Away

December 02, 2018 Suzy Godsey
Conversation With A Dog That Passed Away
Conscious Footprints
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Conscious Footprints
Conversation With A Dog That Passed Away
Dec 02, 2018
Suzy Godsey

Raadhika has been affected by the death of her dog years ago. She has chosen not to have another pet in her life for fear of losing them.
The reasons she has are common to many of us, and in this conversation are addressed and help Raadhika gain a different perspective.

Part of the conversation is about connecting to her dog's spirit and asking questions about the past and future.

For more information and other tools about grieving the loss of your pet, please visit:

If you would like to know more about the clearing statement of Access Consciousness, please visit:

or Suzy talking about it:

For more on Suzy, and a gift, please visit:

Would you like to be there live or get access to all one-hour talks? Then you can register here and get the links and access to the previous recordings by e-mail before each new Conscious Footprints zoom. And, of course, it is completely free of charge:

If you have any questions about the Access Consciousness Clearing Statement, please go here:

And, you can find more about me, my work and various offers and creations about animal communication, ESSE on horse and human bodies and much, much more on my website:

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Show Notes Transcript

Raadhika has been affected by the death of her dog years ago. She has chosen not to have another pet in her life for fear of losing them.
The reasons she has are common to many of us, and in this conversation are addressed and help Raadhika gain a different perspective.

Part of the conversation is about connecting to her dog's spirit and asking questions about the past and future.

For more information and other tools about grieving the loss of your pet, please visit:

If you would like to know more about the clearing statement of Access Consciousness, please visit:

or Suzy talking about it:

For more on Suzy, and a gift, please visit:

Would you like to be there live or get access to all one-hour talks? Then you can register here and get the links and access to the previous recordings by e-mail before each new Conscious Footprints zoom. And, of course, it is completely free of charge:

If you have any questions about the Access Consciousness Clearing Statement, please go here:

And, you can find more about me, my work and various offers and creations about animal communication, ESSE on horse and human bodies and much, much more on my website:

Here, you can find me on social media:

Hello, and welcome to conversations with dog. This is Suzy Godsey, and I am your host. And today I am very excited to have a caller with me. As you know, I love having callers on the show because it just makes it more lively. And also, it gives you the sense to see how the access tools can work with a person and animals in the moment. So I'm always excited to have live callers on the show. And today I have a very special guest from Mumbai in India. Hello, Raadhika. How are you? 
Hi, Suzy. I'm very well. I'm so excited to be here as well. 
Suzy Godsey
Wonderful, so do you want to tell us what is bringing you to the show today? 
Okay, I actually saw one of your Tele calls about animals. And I heard it, and it was really, really interesting. And one of the things that came up for me was, I love animals. Right. And I love dogs specifically. And, I had a dog so many years ago, and the love of that dog. I can't even call her a dog because she was like my baby, and the loss of my dog has, I think it's been something that I haven't really gotten over yet if that makes sense. 
Suzy Godsey
What is the part about it that is sticking you? Oftentimes when we cannot move forward with a situation, there's usually a part that's sticking us. And most of the time, when we have something that is sticking us, it's because there is a truth and a lie attached at the same time, that's usually giving us the sticking point where we just cannot let go of it. And we keep looping around it. And we keep thinking about it. And when it comes up, it's, you know, it comes back up sort of as if it hadn't really passed and that sort of thing. So when I asked that question, what comes up for you? 
Actually, what comes up for me is this whole thing about losing, and I think it goes beyond the pet for me. So the sense of loss that you have when somebody leaves you. I just want to mention here that, for me, it's how I feel about dogs or animals in general. And I mean, sounds really cool to some people, but I have so much more compassion for them. And I don't think they deserve to suffer or be hurt. I can see a human being, you know, not having what they want in their life or having some trouble, and I think people are equipped to deal with it. But human, the animals are not. And my heart sort of goes out to them. And with my dog specifically, this is the whole thing about loss. That I feel like, I lost her too soon, or you know kind of why she's left in my life. 
Suzy Godsey
Yeah, yeah. Yeah. Okay. Well, so first of all, and when you did say lose and lost, there was definitely an energy there. So everything you have decided about your being somebody or something, will you please destroy and uncreate that? 
Suzy Godsey
Times a gazillion, right and wrong good and bad POD POC all nine shorts, boys and beyonds. And for anyone listening. This was the Access Consciousness clearing statement that I just used. And what it does is it's asking the energy to go back to wherever this particular issue was created and just undo it, which then can give you more of a sense of peace and choice again, which you didn't have before. So this is if you want to know more about the Access Consciousness clearing statement, you can find that at the clearing
Suzy Godsey
So let's talk a little bit more about this. Because one of the things that we often get stuck with is this idea of losing and being alone and all of that. But just as a question: Are you aware that you are an infinite being? 
Suzy Godsey
So as an infinite being, can you ever really truly be left?
Suzy Godsey
I understand what you are going through. And I don't want to make that small. But we so often don't understand that as an infinite being it's actually sort of impossible to be left, you know, because we are infinite and so is everybody else. And so there is really no way that we can be left. And it's just basically the significance is that we have about certain actions that people have or certain decisions that we make about things and, and death is also one of those, it's like when you're losing a pet or when you're losing a loved one, you feel like you've been left behind, basically, because that other being left, this body is no longer there with you, and you feel like oh, now I'm all alone. But is that really true? That is what my question is? 
No, that's not really true. But it still seems like it is. 
Suzy Godsey
Yeah. So I think the biggest part about that is that, of course, life is different. Without that being in it because you know, you've done things together that you were doing in the physical form together, and you don't you no longer have that animal to be able to cuddle them and all of that. So it's completely different. But would you be willing to connect with your animal in a different way and be connected with your animal even now, after all these years? And in a different way, just as more of a psychic connection? Would you be willing to have that right now?
Yes, yes. 
Suzy Godsey
Okay. So would you be willing to call your friend in right now so we can maybe have a chat?
My dog? Yeah, I'm aware that she is with me a lot of times. So you right now, yes.
Suzy Godsey
So the conversations you've had with her when you are aware that she's around? Like, do you? Do you ever ask her to come back to you in another body? 
No, I never do. Because when she left, I kind of decided that I never want to have a pet because I can't deal with the loss of a pet. 
Suzy Godsey
Okay. So everything that you have decided there would you be willing to destroy and uncreate that? 
Suzy Godsey
Right and Wrong, Good and Bad, POD and POC, all 9, Shorts, Boys and Beyonds®.  So I know that this is one of the things people often do when they lose their pet. They say I never want to deal with this again. I never want to go through this again. And, will you just look at your life without a pet right now and then look into the future five years living without a pet. Okay, perceive that energy. And now look into the future having a pet. Look into what your life looks like in five years having a pet, which feels more expanded, which feels more generative to your life and living having a pet or not having a pet?
Having a pet. Because we've got a playfull energy to it. 
Suzy Godsey
Isn't that interesting? Here you are, having decided that it would be a detriment to you to have a pet. The energy is actually saying that your life would be more expanded if you had a pet. Would you be willing to destroy and uncreate the point of view that you have created about what it means to you to have a pet? 
Suzy Godsey
Thank you. Right and Wrong, Good and Bad, POD and POC, all 9, Shorts, Boys and Beyonds®. 
There is something that actually came up when you said that. I'm not entirely sure whether it is other's point of view, or all of it actually belongs to me. Because a lot of people do talk about oh, we never want to keep a pet you know, because the dog has a short life and you know, you can't deal with the loss. So this part of what I've heard, you know from people around who choose not to have pets, and so some of that sticks us as well. 
Suzy Godsey
Everywhere that you have been trying to understand that point of view and have therefore mimicked that point of view, will you please destroy and create that? 
Suzy Godsey
Times a godzillion,  Right and Wrong, Good and Bad, POD and POC, all 9, Shorts, Boys and Beyonds®. And at the moment when the pet leaves, and you have the grieving time that you have, there's something about that too that I would like you to actually right now ask your dog. Ask her right now how she would like you to deal with the situation of her not being in your life in the physical form anymore. Would she like you to be joyful? Would you like you to be sad? Would she like you to grieve her? Would she like you to get a different pet? Would she like to come back to you in a different body? What? What do you get? 
I get the last one actually. Yeah, okay. 
Suzy Godsey
She would like to come back?
Yeah. She's been around so much. She has been so present, I have sometimes felt her close to me, I know suddenly I'm watching TV, or I'm just sitting down, and I have a sense of her curling up next to me. And I was like, Okay, so that's just, something I experience is it my imagination. But my husband told me, you know, there are times when I know she's right next to me. 
Suzy Godsey
Yeah. When you look at it right now, I know we've only done a few clearings but right now, if you think about the possibility of having her be in a physical body next to you again, how does that feel right now? Is that a possibility? Or do you still feel like oh, I don't want to do that. I couldn't do that. 
For me, it is more like okay. I guess I will sense it. I will know I know. I will know it if she's coming back in another body, right? But it does bring up this whole thing about would I get too clingy and too attached to her and then, am I going to do it again? 
Suzy Godsey
Yeah, okay. Let's just have a look at this one more time, truth did you actually ever lose her?
No, I didn't. 
Suzy Godsey
Everywhere that you have bought that, everywhere you've made that significant, and everywhere you've decided that that was a lot, will you please destroy and uncreate that?
Suzy Godsey
Times a godzillion, Right and Wrong, Good and Bad, POD and POC, all 9, Shorts, Boys and Beyonds®. Wherever you have made the transition that she did from being living into now a different form as a loss, will you please destroy and uncreate that? 
Times a gazillion Right and Wrong, Good and Bad, POD and POC, all 9, Shorts, Boys and Beyonds®. The only thing that is different is that she no longer has the physical form she had before. She still is there with you; she still curls up next to you; she's still around you. All of that is still there, so you didn't truly lose her, you didn't really lose her, but the physical form got transformed. Everywhere you made that into a loss and into a detriment, will you please destroy and uncreate that? 
Suzy Godsey
Times a godzillion, Right and Wrong, Good and Bad, POD and POC, all 9, Shorts, Boys and Beyonds®. Everywhere you bought that from others, everywhere you decided that when she died that you had to be a certain way in order to prove that you love her, will you please destroy and uncreate, all of that? 
Suzy Godsey
Times a gazillion, Right and Wrong, Good and Bad, POD and POC, all 9, Shorts, Boys and Beyonds®. You said earlier today that you have more compassion with animals than with people sometimes, and I get that I had that too. It's like, so many times I was way more interested in the well being of an animal than I was in the well being of people. There is something in that place that really can stick us when we are around animals because, in a way, it also takes away from the idea that animals have a choice too. Everywhere that you have decided that your compassion for animals is creating this sense of 'you can't stand it when they die', will you please destroy and uncreate all of that? 
Suzy Godsey
Times a gazillion,  Right and Wrong, Good and Bad, POD and POC, all 9, Shorts, Boys and Beyonds®.  I've been working so much now with animals that are transitioning from, being alive in their body to basically leaving their bodies behind. And I've been learning so much about that being really a choice that the animal has. When they are choosing to do that, they will really want us to celebrate that with them, we often don't because we have so much going on around that on so many different layers that it's not easy for us to allow that as a possibility, and so we hold on to all these things, but really, when you just look at the energy of that transition, is that actually a celebration of life and living? Or is that a detriment to the animal?
A detriment
Suzy Godsey
Is it?
I'm sorry, maybe I didn't get your question. I was you know, when you were talking? I was like a little bit not there for some reason.
Suzy Godsey
Yeah. Is that one of the places that you really do not want to have an awareness of?
Probably because when you were talking to me, and we just started talking about this subject, it was just a whole lot of other stuff that came up, watching TV and seeing animals die, and if you see the suffering of animals and how you make human beings responsible for most of the suffering of animals in this world. And that's what came up.
Suzy Godsey
There is definitely a true story there, which is that a lot of people are choosing to do harm to animals, that is correct. And there is also a lie there, and the lie is that the animals have no choice in the matter and that they are victims. Everything that is will you please destroy and uncreate it? 
Suzy Godsey
Times a godzillion, Right and Wrong, Good and Bad, POD and POC, all 9, Shorts, Boys and Beyonds®.  The truth is that we are treating animals with disrespect; that is true.  So, let's go back to your dog. Did you kill your dog?
I'm sorry?
Suzy Godsey
Did you kill your dog?
Suzy Godsey
When she left her body, was it a celebration for her?
You know, I think in the last moments, because she passed away when she was eight. And I think before she died, I could see that she was not wanting to be here at all. So I mean, there was a sense of peace in her eyes when she was leaving her body? So just that would make me wonder if she was actually willing to go, you know? 
Suzy Godsey
Ask her now. Was it actually a transition that she chose for whatever reason? Ask her now; she's right there.
Suzy Godsey
Yeah. Would you be willing to celebrate that with her? 
Suzy Godsey
Okay. Everywhere you decided it was a detriment and that it was terrible, and that it shouldn't have been happening and all of those things will you please destroy and uncreate them all? 
Yes, yes. 
Suzy Godsey
Times a gazillion. Right and Wrong, Good and Bad, POD and POC, all 9, Shorts, Boys and Beyonds®. Everywhere you have put everything together into one big melting pot and made the dying of animals, just everything about it bad. Will you please destroy and uncreate that?
Suzy Godsey
Times a godzillion.
It's almost unbearable
Suzy Godsey
Everything that is will you destroy and uncreate it all, please? 
Suzy Godsey
Times a gazillion. Right and Wrong, Good and Bad, POD and POC, all 9, Shorts, Boys and Beyonds®. Would you be willing to actually recognize when the choice to die is actually a celebration too?
Uh huh. Yeah.
Suzy Godsey
Yeah, okay, great. And that's really something I want to encourage you to do because if you have decided that all death is bad, will you ever be able to see when the animal is actually choosing to leave? 
Uh huh. Okay, I won't be able to see it. Yeah.
Suzy Godsey
The animals are asking us in those situations to support that choice. And to support them in what they have chosen to do. If we have resistance, and if we have decided that death is bad, and it's a detriment, then at that moment, we cannot really support them anymore. Everything that brings up, will you please destroy them create it? 
Suzy Godsey
Times a gazillion, Right and Wrong, Good and Bad, POD and POC, all 9, Shorts, Boys and Beyonds®. Everywhere that all this became a big, melting pot for you where you have taken every bit and piece about death and dying and mixed them all together and made them all detrimental, will you please destroy and create that? 
Suzy Godsey
Times a godzillion, Right and Wrong, Good and Bad, POD and POC, all 9, Shorts, Boys and Beyonds®. If you have that point of view, you can never see when an animal is actually willing to give up their body, for us, for example. Animals are willing to sacrifice their bodies for us; animals are willing to die for us. Animals are willing to do so many things. But if we have the point of view that death is bad and that the animals are not choosing death but that they are always killed against their will, then we cannot really see why the animal is choosing that, so hence, we always make it a bad thing when they die. 
Uh huh. Okay. Yep. 
Suzy Godsey
Everything that is will you please destroy and uncreate it? 
Suzy Godsey
Times a godzillion, Right and Wrong, Good and Bad, POD and POC, all 9, Shorts, Boys and Beyonds®. If I can maybe just entice you to, now that she is around you, and she is there. You were saying when she was dying, she was very peaceful and that she, for whatever reason, was choosing to leave her body. It's like sometimes animals choose that because they don't want to get old, they don't want to go through the phase of their body hurting and all of that, they don't like that. So some animals willing to leave earlier than others just because they don't like being in that state of their body, they don't like that. Have a look at her being right now. Was it a detriment for her to leave her body? 
No, not at all. 
Suzy Godsey
Not at all. Would you be willing to have a different look at that and go Hmm, maybe I can have a different point of view about this too?
Right. Right. I know when she was done, I was very upset. And he was shaking her body like she must get up and she was slipping away. And I said just leave her and just let her go; this was way before I knew about Access or these tools. But I just had a belief that she was choosing to leave that we should bid her goodbye.
Suzy Godsey
Yeah. And I told him just back off, I just let her go to sleep or something like that. 
Suzy Godsey
Yeah. Were you actually picking more up of what she was going through, and were you trying to take that away from her? Were you trying to make it easier for her? 
Suzy Godsey
Yeah. Everywhere you bought it as yours when you actually were really trying to protect her and make it easier for her, will you please destroy and uncreate that? 
Suzy Godsey
Times a godzillion, Right and Wrong, Good and Bad, POD and POC, all 9, Shorts, Boys and Beyonds®. In truth, did you actually ever have a problem with your dog leaving?
Perhaps not. I can hear myself when l when I say that, and It surprises me as well. But when I look back at the time when I had her, and I did mention this at the beginning of the call, she was like a baby for us. I never really could see her getting really old and her body breaking down. I almost always had this thing that she will choose to go when she chooses to go, and this was the first time she ever got sick in her life. She was a very healthy dog. And the moment she got sick, I think it just took her a few hours to make a choice to leave her body. 
Suzy Godsey
Yeah. And again, this, this can be a choice that animals have. I have a cat that was like that, she didn't like to get old, and she just committed suicide basically. We have to be willing to be aware of what these animals are choosing. But if we're making death a wrongness, and if we're making death a choice that is not available and is the wrong choice, then we can't really see when our animals are choosing that as a possibility.
Suzy Godsey
You can also see that you have actually known all of this. But you have still made it something that was detrimental to you. I just want to ask you again, was it actually ever really detrimental to you, or were you taking that away so that the other person wasn't suffering? 
Yes, but there is another little bit to this if I can share it. Because as you are saying this, I had a dog when I was a little baby. I was born into a family where we had two dogs. And soon after that one of the dogs had an accident ran off onto the streets and got ran over. There was this whole thing, I was a little child, very fond of the dog, and the dog died like this. So I'm just wondering if that impacted me in some way, or I bought something about that incident being significant or scary 
Suzy Godsey
What did you buy then? 
I'm getting a lot of my parent's points of view because they thought it was a huge loss and that it would have impacted me, and I'm not sure it impacted me as much as everybody thought it would have impacted me.
Suzy Godsey
Exactly, because as children, we often don't have that point of view about death, and it's much easier for us to recognize that the death of an animal is not necessarily a badness. It is just something that occurs. As children, we are much more willing to see what happened with the being and the body and all of that. So again, this is a great event example of, yes, the parents probably were much more worried about what the impact would be on you than the impact that it actually had. So now, as a kid, of course, you're picking up what your parents are concerned about. And so then you obviously also are trying to fulfill that for your parents. Everything you have taken on from your parents, everything you have taken on about the situation, will you please destroy and uncreate it?
Suzy Godsey
Times a godzillion, Right and Wrong, Good and Bad, POD and POC, all 9, Shorts, Boys and Beyonds®.