Conscious Footprints
A totally different approach to listening to Animals, Nature, the Earth, and the Universe without the significance and seriousness of it all! What can we contribute to our Planet being a sustainable, living organism? Are you in?
The tools of Access Consciousness™ allow you to know what YOU know and go beyond what you have been told is correct and true. What if you could listen to Nature without a preconceived thought? What if you had no previous point of view about Nature but could listen without judgment? Receive tools, laughter, and a very different way of creating beyond this reality!
Conscious Footprints
Are you a slave to the definitions you are holding on to?
What are you going to do when you grow up? From a young age, we’re expected to define the right goals: a good job, a family with 2.5 children, a house, etc. Have you noticed that happiness isn't prioritized? Yet, the earth appreciates happiness; it is healing for the planet. What if you just chose to be happy? From there, aim for a target in life. Unlike goals, a target can be changed, and you can meander towards it without judging whether you’re accomplishing it perfectly.
Access Clearing Statement explained: theclearingstatement.com
Leadership Telecall: https://suzygodsey.com/product/be-a-leader-happy-sept-2023/
If you have any questions about the Access Consciousness Clearing Statement, please go here: http://www.theclearingstatement.com.
And you can find more about me, my work, and various offers and creations about animal communication, ESSE on horse and human bodies, and much, much more on my website: http://www.suzygodsey.com
Here you can find me on social media:
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/suzygodsey/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/SuzyGodseyLLC
Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/suzy-godsey
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@SuzyGodsey1